Matahari Malam

Kehangatan terasa gara-gara sekarang tengah jerebu. Gambar ini diambil dari kawasan rumah dengan menggunakan lens 55-300mm. 

Supermoon- 23/06/13

Captured form Sibu Airport.

Pra-Gawai at SMKLBS...The Borneo Post 17/5/2013

Photo of Pra-Gawai SMKLBS taken by me...Local newspaper The Borneo Post 17/5/2013

Malam Pra-Gawai 2013 SMK Luar Bandar No.1 Sibu

Malam Pra-Gawai Pelajar Asrama SMK Luar Bandar Sibu telah diadakan pada 11 May 2013 bertempat di Dewan Sri Kenyalang. Aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah seperti Pertandingan Kumang dan Keling, Betabuh dan Nyayian. Pelajar Asrama Lelaki (Jugah dan Rentap) dan Perempuan (Mawar dan Orkid) telah menunjukkan bakat masing-masing dalam pertandingan yang diadakan. Perkara yang membanggakan adalah Pelajar SMK Luar Bandar Sibu dapat membuktikan bahawa tradisi Kaum Iban seperti Betabuh, Ngajat dan Kumang/Keling masih tidak dilupakan oleh kaum muda. 

All material on this site is copyright of chelzLensa Photography, unless explicitly noted otherwise. Reproduction of any of this material in any form without my prior approval is not allowed

Renungkan Bersama

“One day,
you will understand that
there exist men and women such as us,
 without a face and
without a name,
 who have abandoned everything,
even their own lives,
so that other children can get up everyday
without having to remain silent and
 hiding their faces to confront the world.
When that day comes, we,
those with no face and no name,
will finally be able to rest under the earth.
Dead, of course, but happy…”

Bendera Sarawak dikibarkan semasa Perlawanan B/Sepak Tottham Vs Man.C

Woow....Tak sangka rakyat Sarawak mengibarkan Bendera Negeri Sarawak di London semasa perlawanan diantara Tottham dan Man.City. Sumber ini dari Facebook. Saya not sure foto ini asli or di edit. Tapi, bila saya baca komen, 50/50 nak percaya. =)... So if benar, Kamek bangga la ada anak sarawak sik lupa negeri asal.... =D

Saya Guru...Mereka Pelajar...Kami kawan

Baru sekarang saya upload gambar saya dengan bekas pelajar untuk 3 bulan sahaja. Walaupun 3 bulan mengajar mereka namun banyak memberikan kenangan kepada saya sebelum melangkah ke dunia pendidikan seterusnya. Saya tidak mempunyai pengalaman mengajar dan bermula dari kosong. Saya diberi tugasan mengajar Sains dan ICTL. Sains Form 1 and ICTL Form 2. Hari pertama masuk kelas,  rasa gugup  dan gagap bila bercakap di hadapan pelajar. Pelajar tengok saya, saya tengok mereka. Mata mereka seperti tengok saya dari atas ke bawah...ooii...haha... Tapi, sebagai seorang yang guru yang "pro" harus pandai kawal perasaan.. 

Benda lucu yang tak akan saya lupa bila pelajar form 1 saya minta kebenaran keluar pergi tandas. "Cikgu, saya nak kencing, saya nak berak la..bla...bla...". haha... Ayat tu kena ubah. Saya kena la ajar mereka cara sopan bila minta kebenaran keluar. Kalau tak ajar cara bersopan, sampai ke tua la mereka macam tu. Bagi saya, pelajar form 1 harus dibentuk supaya mereka dapat menjaga tingkah laku sebelum masuk ke alam remaja seterusnya...=)

Pernah marah pelajar? Kalau tak marah, nanti makin menjadi-jadi perangai pelajar..haha... Tapi.. sebagai seorang guru, saya marah pelajar bukan membenci mereka.. Saya marah sebab saya sayang mereka. Marah tak buat kerja rumah, buat bising, nakal dalam kelas..bla..bla...tapi, bak kata my mom (Guru 30 tahun mengajar), "Jangan guna tangan untuk pukul pelajar, tapi gunakan tangan untuk memberkati pelajar".. dan satu lagi, "Jangan mengeluarkan kata-kata yang boleh menyumpah pelajar, guna mulut untuk menasihat". Tapi, pelajar akan anggap guru tu jahat la..suka marah-marah...(cikgu faham perasaan pelajar, sebab saya pun seorang pelajar sebelum ini) =).. Hukuman tetap dijalankan dalam kelas saya...Saya akan tutup kipas, tutup pintu bagi pelajar lewat (tapi buka balik la...kesian pelajar saya...), suruh mereka mengajar di depan (saya suka hukuman ini). Pelajar yang mengantuk, saya akan pukul meja sehingga mereka terkejut "beruk"...haha.... 

Saya mengajar pelajar yang mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeza.. Perangai berbeza.... 1001 perangai pelajar harus ditempuhi selama 3 bulan... Tetapi, perasaan sayang guru terhadap pelajar, tidak akan membezakan mereka...mereka tetap sama bagi saya. =)

Saya harap bekas pelajar saya dapat berjaya dalam kehidupan. Bak kata: Setiap hari kita akan belajar benda baru...So, perkataan malas belajar hanya untuk orang yang tak akan berjaya dalam kehidupan....Tetapi, doa seorang guru, pelajar saya akan berjaya dalam kehidupan... =D..... 

Sekarang, saya akan mengajar pelajar universiti.. Saya harap pelajar saya, boleh berjaya membuat assignment dan tutorial!....If not, nama akan saya buang!....haha

Blog terbiar.......

Baru sekarang terpikir nak update blog chelzlensa.... tak ada masa nak update.... huhu... chelzlensa photography pun tak berapa aktif.... banyak tawaran suruh ambil gambar terpaksa saya tolak dan tangguhkan... kalau tak busy lagi, saya akan teruskan ambil gambar.. =).. so, sesiapa yang mempercayai perkhidmatan fotografi  saya, harap bersabar ya... hehe... oklaa... selepas ini, saya harap dapat update blog chelzlensa ini... so, tunggu....:;)

Pelajar dari latar belakang yang berbeza

Agak lama saya tidak update blog ini kerana kesibukkan melanda. Kali ini saya nak post article dari Lina Fishman, seorang guru di luar negara. Article beliau yang bertajuk "Teaching Students who come from Dramatically Different Economic Backgrounds". Apa yang Lina Fishman katakan adalah benar. Tak semua, pelajar yang datang ke sekolah mempunyai family yang berpendapatan kukuh. Saya pernah rasakan semasa menjadi guru ganti. So, kalau sudi baca article Lina..baca sampai habis...;)

:Before I left for Argentina, the term "Private School" had a certain connotation for me. It meant a large, extravagant school, with wealthy children in matching uniforms. So when I got my assignment, teaching first and second grade at a private school in Buenos Aires, I thought I knew what to expect. Like most cross-cultural expectations though, I was mistaken. The children wore uniforms, but the similarity stopped there. This private school was neither large nor extravagant, and the children came from significantly different backgrounds.
In most elementary schools across the globe, you will come across children who have dramatically different economic backgrounds. Difficult situations may arise from this, such as children feeling excluded or embarrassed by their means. As a teacher, it is important to take certain measures to ensure this happens as little as possible.

Make every child feel special

One of the first indications of this issue in my classroom came on the day of a field trip to the Buenos Aires Zoo. When I arrived at school for the field trip, I was told to stay back with two students who could not afford to join the group. I didn't have to ask which two, as the students were sobbing uncontrollably. I felt so awful that I offered to pay for the students but was informed that would be favoritism and was against school policy. As the rest of the class left for their zoo adventure, I was left to console these two students and entertain them for the day.
Children at Buenos Aires, Argentina Zoo
Lena took her students to the Buenos Aires Zoo
Luckily, it was near Halloween, a holiday that Argentine children do not generally celebrate. We spent the day learning all about Halloween, and even found costumes for the children to dress in and some candy to eat. When the rest of the class came back from the zoo telling stories of all the animals they saw, these two children also had something exciting to talk about. The children did not feel excluded by missing the zoo; they felt special that they were the only two who knew about Halloween and got to teach the rest of the class.

Make sure each child is proud of their background

Even as young as first and second grade, bullying does exist. In my classroom I found much of the bullying to be directed at the children of poorer families. The outcome of this was very upsetting; many of the children acted embarrassed by their parents or their neighborhoods.
We came up with a version of "show and tell" for the classroom, where each child had to bring something from their family or culture to share with the class. It could be anything from a meal their mom loved to cook, to an item containing family history or even a family member. Even the children who had been bullied were enthusiastic about sharing a little part of their family with the class, and all of the students gained a new understanding of each other's backgrounds. Each child felt proud of their unique families and where they came from.
Teach children in Cambodia
Always be aware of your students' different backgrounds

Be careful giving charity

Helping those less fortunate is a natural human instinct, or at least it should be, but sometimes that help isn't well received. In my classroom in Argentina, one student had head lice. Unlike in the U.S., she wasn't expected to leave school (the principal said this would be discrimination.) The only thing asked was that she used a special shampoo to cure the lice faster. After a few weeks with no change, a teacher commented to the student's mother that the shampoo wasn't working. The mother informed her that she wasn't using the shampoo, because the family couldn't afford it. Without thinking twice, the teacher offered to buy the shampoo for the girl, and the mother started screaming at her that they didn't need any handouts.
While the teacher was just trying to help, the woman felt that the teacher was looking down on her and treating her like a charity case. Of course, it is always good to be generous and offer what you can to those less fortunate, but it is important to get a feel for the individuals involved beforehand so no one feels disrespected. The woman felt humiliated, but had the situation been approached in a more delicate way she may have reacted differently.

It can be very challenging teaching students who come from different economic backgrounds, and trying to create a united classroom with students who come from unique backgrounds. The most any teacher can do is make each child feel equal and important.

Source from: GO OVERSEAS

Bukan Hari April Fool

Hari ini, 1st April 2013 merupakan hari untuk mengenakan orang kan? Tapi bukan hari untuk saya..hehe...sebab saya memang tak sambut pun benda ini.. Tetapi, pada hari ini, saya mula berkhidmat sebagai pembantu pensyarah di sebuah institusi swasta. Bermula la perjalanan hidup sebagai seorang tukang aiar.. Sebelum ini saya pernah jadi tukang ajar untuk 3 bulan. Walaupun hanya 3bulan.. tetapi banyak memberi pengalaman. Nanti saya upload gambar dan post cerita saya dengan pelajar. Balik kepada cerita jadi tukang ajar di kolej universiti, saya diberi tugas untuk mengajar subject ekonomi.. fuuhh... actually tat subject is not my major in degree.. but seems it just a foundation economics so, why not I just try and take it as a challenge...naa...why so serious? Haha... so, within this month,  maybe I was busy with teaching preparation (lecture notes, slides presentation) and dont have enough time to update my blog... =)♥..

Kucing Tak sedar kena ambil gambar....

Kalau kucing dah minta makan, habis barang atas meja dia pijak sebab minta perhatian tuannya, Tapi, si naldo.. bila minta makan, laptop saya tempat dia berpijak... Lepas tu, duduk sampai tertidur macam dalam gambar bawah..haha

Mula-mula si naldo tak sedar...Syioknya dia tidur atas laptop saya tanpa rasa bersalah

Si naldo terbangun gara-gara bunyi shutter kamera saya...haha

:: Wajah2 Pelajar Kem Unit Beruniform 2013:: SMK Luar Bandar Sibu

Segelintir wajah pelajar menjadi tembakan kamera chelzLensa ketika mengikuti kem 22-25 March 2013 di tapak perkhemahan SMKLBS...


Seekor anak kucing betina merayau-rayau di kawasan rumah mencari makanan...Ketakutan anak kucing ini menyebabkan saya sukar untuk mendekatinya. Hanya mampu melihat dari jauh.

Keputusan cemerlang belum menjamin masa depan

Saya terjumpa gambar pak cik diatas yang kena trooll...hehe....nampak apa yang tertulis tu? =).. Betul ke apa yang dimaksudkan itu..or hanya nak menakutkan pelajar lepasan spm or stpm yang baru dapat result beberapa minggu nie...? Tapi, satu lagi..boleh ke pelajar cemerlang di universiti dapat kerja yang setimpal dengan kelulusan? Fuhh...macam2 hal berlaku..=)....itu la dunia realiti.... salah siapa benda nie berlaku..? Mungkin pelajar cemerlang spm or stpm yang dapat cgpa below 3, tak berapa study smart kot...hehe

Tetapi, diri sendiri kena fikir dan cari punca kenapa benda nie boleh berlaku... Masa depan sendiri yang menentukan... Kalau malas nak berusaha, so tak ada masa depan la...or mungkin..masa depan belum sampai lagi...=)... Tapi, kena ingat, rezeki seseorang tak sama.. so, renung-renungkanlah...

Saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada pelajar yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang spm dan stpm. Bagi pelajar yang kurang berjaya, jangan risau...think positive... terus berusaha mencari peluang dalam dunia realiti...never give up... and lastly...BELIEVE IN GOD. ..♥♥
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