Pra-Gawai at SMKLBS...The Borneo Post 17/5/2013

Photo of Pra-Gawai SMKLBS taken by me...Local newspaper The Borneo Post 17/5/2013

Malam Pra-Gawai 2013 SMK Luar Bandar No.1 Sibu

Malam Pra-Gawai Pelajar Asrama SMK Luar Bandar Sibu telah diadakan pada 11 May 2013 bertempat di Dewan Sri Kenyalang. Aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah seperti Pertandingan Kumang dan Keling, Betabuh dan Nyayian. Pelajar Asrama Lelaki (Jugah dan Rentap) dan Perempuan (Mawar dan Orkid) telah menunjukkan bakat masing-masing dalam pertandingan yang diadakan. Perkara yang membanggakan adalah Pelajar SMK Luar Bandar Sibu dapat membuktikan bahawa tradisi Kaum Iban seperti Betabuh, Ngajat dan Kumang/Keling masih tidak dilupakan oleh kaum muda. 

All material on this site is copyright of chelzLensa Photography, unless explicitly noted otherwise. Reproduction of any of this material in any form without my prior approval is not allowed

Renungkan Bersama

“One day,
you will understand that
there exist men and women such as us,
 without a face and
without a name,
 who have abandoned everything,
even their own lives,
so that other children can get up everyday
without having to remain silent and
 hiding their faces to confront the world.
When that day comes, we,
those with no face and no name,
will finally be able to rest under the earth.
Dead, of course, but happy…”
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